
Previsões para 2007

Tendo só recentemente acordado para o facto inegável de que estamos num novo ano, resolvi começar a procurar previsões, a ver se me preparava o melhor possível. Encontrei isto:

US evangelical broadcaster forecasts deadly 2007

WASHINGTON, Jan 3, 2007 - US Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson says God has warned him of devastating terror attacks and "mass killing" in the second half of 2007.
"The Lord didn't say nuclear, but I do believe it'll be something like that -- that'll be a mass killing, possibly millions of people, major cities injured," Robertson said Tuesday on his faith-based television show "The 700 Club."
Robertson did not specify where the attacks would occur, but he said "there will be some very serious terrorist attacks. The evil people will come after this country, and there's a possibility -- not a possibility, a definite certainty -- that chaos is going to rule.
"God said he's going to restrain the evil, but he isn't necessarily going to restrain it in the beginning," Robertson said, adding, however, that "a lot of these things can be reversed; we just need to do a lot of praying."
The Christian broadcaster also said God was concerned about Israel's actions, particularly the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, which he said were "toxic for the nation of Israel."
Robertson, for whom predictions have become an annual tradition, came under fire last year after suggesting that the stroke then-Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon had suffered was divine retribution for ceding land to the Palestinians.

Não consigo parar de rir...

2 comentários:

remiguel disse...

ora, isto é tudo um disparate. as minhas fontes, muito próximas das do robertson, revelaram-me que ele não percebeu nada. quem lhe ligou, não foi God Himself, mas o Godfrey, um dos masters a que ele pertence e até, ao que se ouve por aí, um dos que lhe dá com mais pujança e que mais tem mão nele. Ora o Godfrey ligou-lhe a dizer que estava aterrorizado com um ataque de chatos e que tinha que os chacinar todos e que ele devia fazer o mesmo. Ensonado, mouco e - sabe deus, que esta gente é capaz de tudo - drogado, o pobre robertson percebeu tudo mal.

Anónimo disse...

não se deve brincar com coisas sérias, nem rir.
O grande josé manuel